Sands China Ltd. senior executives led a team of 20 brand representatives on a tour to Jiangxi Province’s Xiushui County, where they officially handed over Aoyi primary school on Tuesday 10th September.

Construction for the school was jointly funded by Sands China  and the China Civil Engineering Construction Company (Macau) Ltd (CCECC).

At the official turnover and inauguration, representatives from the Liaison Office, CCECC, Policy Research and Regional Development Bureau and Education and Youth Development Bureau were present.

Sands China executive vice-chairman Wilfred Wong said of the endeavour:

“The Aoyi Primary School construction project represents our proactive response to the national rural revitalisation strategy and serves as a crucial step in aiding the Macao SAR government’s efforts in rural revitalisation in Jiangxi’s Xiushui County. We are excited to be a partner in this project with CCECC and to improve the educational infrastructure of Xiushui County.”

Wong said that Sands China is firmly convinced that it can create an environment that is more conducive to learning for local children by improving educational resources in the area. The company also wants to create a solid foundation that will support the county’s economic and social growth for years to come through the construction of new schools and other initiatives.

He concluded with:

“We hope the connection between these two places will last, and we can extend this caring spirit through the Sands Cares Ambassadeurs, demonstrating patriotism for Macao and love.”

More room to Learn

The original school was built at the foot of a steep hill. The campus had a limited amount of space as well as a lackluster number of classrooms and sports facilities. These facilities did not meet safety requirements, putting students in danger, especially during storms.

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This led to the relocation of Aoyi’s Primary School. This new location in Xiushui’s Huanggang Town covers an area of 3,900 square meters, including a building area of 1,700 square meters.

The school also provides much needed education to the children of the surrounding villages and towns.

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