Oliver Gaebe

Editor-in-chief at travelindustry.news and reports from all over the world. He specialises in hotel and destination reporting

Rene Hamacher

Technical director of all audio and video interviews and filming, graduate engineer, editor for (visual) travelogues

Jörg Friedrichs

Specialises in German and European tourism, caravaning & sports trips. He provides positive images of Europe

Sanae M. Diouri

Sanae Diouri, talar sex språk flytande och är vår hotellspecialist, hon kan presentera hotell på ett särskilt fördelaktigt sätt

Lukas Cabrnoch

Lukas Cabrnoch is our motorbike and long-distance travel specialist and can skilfully showcase outstanding images from all over the world

Bint Faal

Bint Faal, vår redaktör för Västafrika, talar många lokala dialekter, är specialiserad på hotellreportage och kan ge bra landskapsbilder

Bernhard Hanf

He is our communicative photographer, specialising in landscapes and faces. He is very familiar with the catering and hotel industry

Lutz Büchel

He has been travelling the world for years, always on the lookout for the most exciting trends


All other Colleagues, interns, freelancers and tipsters, ... who help every day to make this news portal better.