Batum, Gürcistan. Kafkasya, Yakın Doğu'da heyecan verici bir bölgedir ve sunabileceği son derece fazla şey vardır. Sadece 'Büyük Kafkasya'nın üç dağı en az 5000 metre yüksekliğindedir, Gürcistan'ın Karadeniz kıyısında 13 sahil beldesi ve (çoğunlukla) kışın bile deniz kenarında ılıman bir Akdeniz iklimi vardır. 2023'ün ilk haftalarında, güneş...
sürat teknesi, yat, seyahat
Finding someone you want to spend your life with is one of the most wonderful things in the world. Exploring the world and going on adventures with our partner can enhance this joy and help to build a special bond. This is especially true when it comes to honeymoons. People are increasingly looking for the unique and extraordinary. The travel...

Haftalık Rapor

Taze Makaleler

Suudi Arabistan elektrikli jetler kullanmayı planlıyor

Officials have confirmed that Saudi Arabia’s flag carrier has turned to a cash-strapped German company to purchase electric jets for routes...

Asya'daki seyahat teknolojisi yatırım trendlerinin analizi

According to a report by TNMT (a market intelligence resource produced Lufthansa Innovation Hub), Asia is three to five years in...


Popüler Şimdi

Meals isn’t nearly consuming, it’s about exploring, experiencing, and having fun with each chew. And the most effective place to try this is the place a favourite dish originates from. At least 64% of vacationers to...
İngiliz, telefon, kırmızı
Discover the city where Georgian aristocracy meets contemporary lifestyle. Bath, Somerset, England, has designer boutiques and historic museums, as well as some of the most impressive Roman remains in Britain. Bath is one of Britain's most...
avrupa, harita, coğrafya
A multi-city European trip can be daunting but the rewards will make it worthwhile. A well-planned vacation will ensure you get the best out of each city. From exploring cultural attractions to trying local cuisines...

Son Makaleler


Göller Bölgesi'nde nasıl dolaşılır...

Many people think that you need to drive a car in order to explore the Lake District. While it can be...

Orta Doğu'daki gerilim tırmanıyor ve uçuşları etkiliyor

Data shows airlines diverted more flights in the past week over Afghanistan to avoid Iranian airspace. This has increased journey times...

Korean Air Çin ve Japonya ağını genişletiyor

Korean Air, the flag carrier of South Korea, announced that it will be expanding its route network in China and Japan....